Recommendation to Parents
- out of 24 hours in a day, a child spend approximately 6 hours in the school. The remaining 18 hours are spent in the company of his parents. Apart from the teachers and the school. Parents are the greatest teachers of the child at home. A child learns to admire and appreciate others and his behavior in the school reflects the atmosphere at home. Parents have greater roles in transforming their children to be better citizens of tomorrow.
- Parents must understand that they cannot dictate to the management but that the management has the right to say on what condition they will admit or retain pupil in their institution (Secondary School Code).
- In order to secure all that is best in the education of your child, the college expects the maximum co-operation of the parents especially.
- He should come to the college regularly, punctually and dressed in the college uniform, neat and clean.
- Bring the college books and note books which should be properly maintained;
- Parents are also expected to co-operate with the college Authorities by taking active interest in ensuring that the rules laid down on these pages are adhered to by their children. In particular they are understood to have entrusted the Principal with authority to correct and punish their children at his discretion.
- Parents are expected to look into their children’s Diary daily, daily home work, teacher’s remark and occasional reports which are conveniently noted down in the Diary.
- Parents are informed that their children are liable to be put to great inconvenience or sent home in which circumstance the college disclaims all responsibility for their safety for:-
- Not wearing their proper uniform.
- Repeatedly forgetting to bring books or coming to college without doing their home work.
- Not paying the college fees.
- Not bringing an explanatory note from their parents for their absence.
- Late comers.
- Should parents feel that their children are not making the desired progress, they should contact the principal.
- Criticism of a child’s teacher in their presence should be strictly avoided, because it causes the child to lose respect for their teacher with the consequent failure to learn from him or her. Parents should see the principal if they have any legitimate complaint.
- During college hours parents are not allowed to see their children or interview teachers or visit the classrooms or walk about in the college premises.
- In case of any infections and contagious disease the college Principal should be informed.
- The college gates shall be closed with a assembly bell. If for any reason, a child is late, ensure that the child is not left unattended outside the gate, we take no responsibility for children remaining outside the closed gates.
- There are parents / Guardians who bring tiffins, text books, copybooks and SUPW materials to the office so that they can be given to the concerned students. This causes great inconvenience to the office and is a big disturbance to the class. This will not be allowed.
- We want the college campus to look green, neat and tidy, no damage to its plants and masonry work is allowed. Hence no outsiders shall be permitted in the college campus.
- We expect your children to consider the college property as their own and value it with high esteem for the good of all.
- When your child is unwell or unable to attend class, please do not send him to the college. Your child’s health is very important. Please send a leave application and a medical certificate.
- We do not hand over children to servants or others. When for some reason a child has to be taken early make sure that parent/ guardian does it personally or with an application duly signed by the parent and the signature should tally with the specimen signature recorded in the office.
- Those who collect the children will do it from 1:15 p.m. and on Saturday from 12:15 p.m. Please do not come early. This is discouraged.
- As a rule our teachers are not allowed to take tuition. Don’t force our teachers to take tuition. If any teacher forces your child for tuition, please give a written complaint to the principal.
- To save little money don’t send your children in a overcrowded transportation & risk their life.
St. Alphonsa High School
Prithvipur, Distt. Niwari Madhya Pradesh 472336, India
+91 9039946355
School Dise Code : 23520514747
Affiliation No :262012