Leave of Absence

  • No one who is late or has been absent on the previous day may be admitted to class without the permission of the principal.
  • Students are not granted leave of absence unless their parents/ guardians send in an application and that too for a serious reason only.
  • When a student falls ill, the principal should be informed at the earliest and when he rejoins college, he must bring the excuse duly entered on the Absence Record in the diary, signed by the parent/guardian, failing which he may be refused admission to class. Sick leave for one or more than two days must be submitted by a proper medical certificate alongwith the leave letter.
  • Advance written permission of the Principal is required if a child is to be taken out of station during working days for more than two days.
  • Leave will not be granted for festivals and for visits to relatives or marriages of relatives and medical checkups unless they are very urgent.
  • A student who is irregular in attending the classes will be asked to leave the college.
  • A student who is absent for more than 15% of the total class days will not be allowed to write the examination and will be detained in the same class for shortage of attendance.
  • If a student is absent for more than 15 consecutive days without any written prior information having been given, he is automatically struck off the college’s register and if he wants to come back he must seek new admission.
  • Students unable to rejoin classes after the holidays should take written permission from the principal in advance. Defaulters in this regard will be fined 25 rupees for the first day, and ten rupees for each subsequent day. Repeated absence in the beginning of every term will lead to suspension from the college.
  • Repeated absence without leave renders a student liable to be dismissed.
  • No student is allowed to leave the College premises during the college hours without the written permission of the principal or his representative. No student will be allowed to go home during the class hours unless one of the parents or guardian comes with a written application to fetch him.

St. Alphonsa High School

Prithvipur, Distt. Niwari Madhya Pradesh 472336, India

+91 9039946355

School Dise Code : 23520514747

Affiliation No :262012

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